Monday, May 09, 2016

The SNL Church Lady Humorously LambasTED My Canadian Senator

Y'all know I have no love for Sen. Damien Thorn, oops Ted Cruz, who I call on these electronic pages the junior senator from Alberta in addition to other sarcastic nicknames when I'm in the mood for calling out his perennial Shut Up Fool award winning behind. .

In the wake of his withdrawal last from the Republican presidential primary after being humiliaTED in the Indiana Republican primary by Donald Trump, NBC's Saturday Night Live brought back former SNL castmember Dana Carvey and his iconic Church Lady character to lampoon my junior senator.

Well isn't that special?   Sure is, and I heartily approve of the SNL skit whacking the defeaTED transphobic Republican presidential candidate.

Here's the video of it if you missed it.


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