Friday, December 09, 2011

TransGriot Nuke A Troll 22-Dismantling A Faith Based Transphobia Defender

I've had the crew of the USS Monica on liberty call for a while, but it's now time to cruise the cyberseas and irradiate more stupidity and ignorance that got caught in my spam filter.

Today's target for 50 megatons of knowledge to be dropped on him is someone calling themselves Reynaldo.

He was supporting the faith based transphobic bigot and the transphobia I pimp slapped in my Natalie Johnson, Your Religious Beliefs Don't Trump My Human Rights post.

She's totally right. When you go to Macy's or any other clothing or department store, you either have a men's dressing room or woman's dressing room. The first policy that Any company should have is the security and privacy of customers. If this transgender client wanted to change in the woman's dresser being a man well he's wrong. He can think like a woman and want to dress like a woman but the fact is that HE is a man. The employee is not capable of determining any psychological preference of any person that enters the store. She can only judge by one of two basic and natural facts, man or woman. According to macy's policy, a man can come in and say he is gay and walk freely into a woman's dresser and peek and do basically whatever sick things they want to do. If macy's really wanted to make things straight well open two more dressing rooms. One for gays and one for lesbians. Since that would be outragous, then we stick to our traditional dressers. Men and woman. She did the right thing. And for all you people that think she did wrong, well then think again. You have to stand up to what's right. We should not have anything against anyone but it seems that the irresponsability that this transgender teen had making a fuss over something so simple, costed a descent womans job. And if Macy's will respect in what the transgender believes in, then they have to respect their employees beleifs. Persanally, i would sue.

For all other commentators. Can you imagine your wife is going to the dresser to fit a garment on your daughter and once in the dresser she notices there is a man right next door and she could actually see his feet while your daughter is changing? I'd bet she would call the manager and take out the dresser employee for letting that man in there. Regardless if its a transgender, or Regardless if its a transgender, or whatever...we don't know what's on anyone's mind. that's why all we can do is judge by the natural characteristics of man or woman and send each person to their designated dressers. they like it or not.whatever...we don't know what's on anyone's mind. that's why all we can do is judge by the natural characteristics of man or woman and send each person to their designated dressers. they like it or not. But the employee was fired for protecting customers like you from anyone claiming to be gay just to get into the woman"s dressers.

To River Center Macy's...Give Natalie Johnson her job back...and fire the person that fired her!


Where do I even begin to take down the ignorance and transphobia on display here?   I'll have to chop this up in bite size pieces in order to properly take it apart

She's totally right. When you go to Macy's or any other clothing or department store, you either have a men's dressing room or woman's dressing room. The first policy that Any company should have is the security and privacy of customers.

No, she violated Macy's corporate policy.   I worked there for five years and that policy is the trans customer based on gender presentation gets to determine what dressing room they use.

And since you're whining about security and privacy, what about the transperson's security and privacy Johnson grossly violated when she decided to play Femininity Police and cause that drama in the first place?

If this transgender client wanted to change in the woman's dresser being a man well he's wrong. He can think like a woman and want to dress like a woman but the fact is that HE is a man.

Au contraire my ignorant of gender identity friend.  A transwoman is a woman.   You aren't walking in that transwoman's pumps or living her life and neither was Natalie Johnson on that day.   You also aren't a certified gender therapist, so neither you in your demonstrably finite wisdom or Natalie Johnson get to determine who is or isn't male or female.   A trans person is the one who makes that determination along with a PhD level gender therapist, not know nothing Bible thumping bigots.

The employee is not capable of determining any psychological preference of any person that enters the store. She can only judge by one of two basic and natural facts, man or woman. According to macy's policy, a man can come in and say he is gay and walk freely into a woman's dresser and peek and do basically whatever sick things they want to do.

Reading is fundamental, Reynaldo. Already told you in an earlier paragraph what the policy was. 

So what 'sick things' would that person do?   Put on clothes to ensure they fit?  See how those clothes looked in a mirror on them before spending their hard earned money purchasing them?  

During my time at Macy's we caught more cis heterosexuals doing 'sick things' in dressing rooms like having sex in them or stuffing merchandise on themselves in preparation to shoplift them out of the store than trans people are alleged to have done in those dressing rooms by hatin' cissexuals like you.   

If macy's really wanted to make things straight well open two more dressing rooms. One for gays and one for lesbians. Since that would be outragous, then we stick to our traditional dressers. Men and woman

Ahh, the homophobia and circular logic is coming out of the dressing room, er closet now.

She did the right thing. And for all you people that think she did wrong, well then think again. You have to stand up to what's right.

No she didn't, which is why she's catching hell now.   And since when is discriminating against a trans teen and violating their human rights the right thing?  Standing up for what's right is denouncing the anti-trans discrimination in the first place.  But you must be a GOP-voting conservafool who supports oppressing people.

We should not have anything against anyone but it seems that the irresponsability that this transgender teen had making a fuss over something so simple, costed a descent womans job

I was wondering when the 'blame the victim' crap would start.  I commend the transkid for standing up for herself and her human rights against the bullying and nekulturny behavior of Ms. Johnson, so I can see why in your conservaworld, that's 'making a fuss'.

I'd damn sure be making a fuss if I was minding my own business and you fracked with my rights like that.    

To paraphrase a certain cookie-chomping former knee-grow GOP presidential candidate, Johnson needs to 'blame herself' for losing her job because of her transphobic bigotry. 

And if Macy's will respect in what the transgender believes in, then they have to respect their employees beleifs. Persanally, i would sue.

Not if those beliefs conflict with corporate policy, local, state and federal discrimination laws or expose the company to a lawsuit.  You can sue all you want, you'd lose just like Natalie Johnson is going to for trying to use her religious beliefs as a shield to mask her bigotry..

For all other commentators. Can you imagine your wife is going to the dresser to fit a garment on your daughter and once in the dresser she notices there is a man right next door and she could actually see his feet while your daughter is changing? I'd bet she would call the manager and take out the dresser employee for letting that man in there.

Another straw man argument.  Every store has hundreds of different designs for their dressing rooms.  How would you notice there's a 'man' next door for example, if there is a solid wall between you?  

Just need to point out to the gender ignorant like you that women come in all shapes and sizes.  We are also a blend of characteristics from both parents.  There are plenty of women on this planet who wear double digit shoe sizes and have wide feet.  Conversely, there are transwomen who are petite size seven shoe wearing fashionistas who run in and out of dressing rooms with no problems or drama

Regardless if its a transgender, or whatever...we don't know what's on anyone's mind. that's why all we can do is judge by the natural characteristics of man or woman and send each person to their designated dressers. they like it or not.

Now your transphobia is really coming out of the closet, dude.  You don't ever refer to a trans person as 'it'.  That's demeaning, dehumanizing and disrespectful.  And what do you mean by 'natural characteristics'?  Define that for the TransGriot.  And speaking of definitions, who gets to choose those definitions spelling out what those 'natural characteristics' are?  You cispeople?

But the employee was fired for protecting customers like you from anyone claiming to be gay just to get into the woman"s dressers.

No,.she was fired for stating to her supervisor she would not comply with Macy's corporate policy after her initial failure to adhere to it garnered major international publicity and has gone viral in the blogosphere..    

To River Center Macy's...Give Natalie Johnson her job back...and fire the person that fired her!  

That remains to be seen.  I doubt Natalie's former supervisor's job is in jeopardy at this moment.

Dick and cover fool,  and don't look at the flash when the troll nuke explodes.