Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013-Still Searching For That Love Connection

' It's a day for romance that for many of us won't result in someone leaving us heart shaped boxes of chocolate, presents, gifts of jewelry, stuffed animals, getting flowers delivered to our addresses, a sentimental call from a person we describe as our sweethearts or a marriage proposal from the person we love.'

TransGriot  'Love Can Be Hard For A Transwoman To Find
February 14, 2012

366 days have passed (last year was a leap year) since I wrote that post and one of the things that was depressingly consistent in the run up to Valentine's Day 2013 is as I perused my FB messages from other #girlslikeus is the realization that many of us once again would not be in a coupled relationship before or after this day is over.

But hey, our cis sisters are having the same problems finding someone to spend their lives with, too.

For those of you blessed enough to have someone fawning all over you, congratulations... I ain't mad at you, especially on this day for the lovers on the calendar.

As for when it's going to happen for me?  Who knows?   .

Enjoy some of the other Valentine's Day themed posts I've previously written.