This year I was one of the people invited to attend the 2013 edition of the LGBT Media Journalists Convening being held February 22-24. It'll be the first time I've been back in the Philadelphia area since my 2009 Bryn Mawr speech..
It's an event in its fourth year that is made possible through a grant from the Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund, and administered by the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association.
This year's theme for the Philadelphia convening will be “Coalition Building” Social justice leaders will be on hand to pass on the latest developments to the TBLG reporters and bloggers in attendance and educate us about emerging and pressing issues. Some of the topic we will tackle are new developments in immigration, international issues, trans issues, race relations, the labor movement and LGBT seniors. .
The goal of the forum is to strengthen the capacity of LGBT members of the media and blogosphere to more deeply understand and more effectively communicate regarding critical issues facing the LGBT community, as well as assist in increasing the presence and diversity of LGBT bloggers in the national blogging community.

This is also the second year the NGLJA has been part of this forum
There were 40 participants at last year’s convening in my hometown, and there are 70 invitees expected to come to the City of Brotherly Love for the 2013 Convening.
For my TransGriot readers in the Philly area,there will be a meet and greet event at the Tavern on Camac, 243 S. Camac Street. I and many of your fave bloggers and rainbow flag community journalists will be hang out with.
I'm looking forward to the convening on several levels. I'll get the latest news I can pass on to you TransGriot readers while seeing some old friends in the blogging and LGBT media world and meeting some new ones. And oh yeah, if I have time, I'm definitely going to make sure I get a cheesesteak while I'm there.
See y'all in Philly next week.
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