Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Upcoming 2013 Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Awards

Since Oscar Awards weekend is fast approaching it's getting close to the time for me to reveal who will be the 2013 Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Award honorees.

There are just fools among us who exhibit their stupidity and rank hypocrisy so often that a Shut Up Fool Weekly Award or a Shut Up Fool of the Year doesn't do them justice.   Onc they earn a Lifetime Achievement Award, they are retired from weekly Shut Up Fool Award consideration unless they say something so jacked up (a la Michele Bachmann) I just have to call them out on it.

I started giving out a Lifetime Achievement Award during Oscar Weekend, with Rush Limbaugh being honored with the first one in 2010

One wasn't enough, so I expanded it to five honorees in 2011 and here were the 2011 winners
Sarah Palin
Glenn Beck
Bill O'Reilly
Ann Coulter
Michele Bachmann

In 2012 the fools kept on coming, and these were the 2012 winners.    For the first time I gave out a group award as well. 

A group award for the Gendertrender radfem trans hate blog
Michelle Malkin
Dan Savage
Michael Savage
Chuck Knipp (AKA Shirley Q Liquor)

So who will take home a Shut Up Fool Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013?   When you get bored watching the Oscars, check out my blog at 8 PM CST to find out.