Well, I'm here to tell you, dry your tears, wipe your face, go to the full length mirror in your bedroom or bathroom, look at your reflection in it and give yourself a good hug.
If that makes you feel better, good. Sit down and read this if it didn't.
Ladies, we are descended from women who survived the Middle Passage, slavery and the horrors of Jim Crow. While the current assault on us ain't pretty, in the grand scheme of things this current attack on Black transwomen by our haters will soon pass as well.

We not only had one of our transsistahs witnessing history, we helped make it as well. Our votes helped us elect a president who not only shares our ethnic heritage, he understands that we transgender Americans deserve to not have to live our lives in fear. Hopefully we'll see the passage of ENDA and hate crimes laws that will send the message that it's no longer open season on transgender people.
Isis King and Laverne Cox turned heads and made history making turns as they appeared on the reality TV shows America's Next Top Model and I Want To Work For Diddy. They not only showed the entire world how beautiful and intelligent we Black transwomen are, they struck some blows toward eradicating the ignorant fallacy that we can't be beautiful and intelligent women.

Then again, maybe the haters are, and the 'Fear Of The Black Transwoman' is why we're facing some of this negativity.
I have to pop my own collar as part of this post. Damn right I'm doing it. If not me, then who?
I was advised that in the short history of the Weblog Awards, I'm the first transgender blogger to become a finalist in the Best LGBT Blog category. Not bad for a blog that just turned 3 years old on New Year's Day.

Our enemies can never take that away from you, and don't ever stop acquiring knowledge either.
Tona Brown is a musically gifted and talented sister who is making her way in the classical music world, and is proud to be a transwoman of African descent while doing so.

That's just a small example of the talent we have in the African-American transgender community that's waiting to be harnessed for the greater good of our society.
It's also interesting to note that some of our biosisters of color have realized that we are potentially their greatest allies as well. It's going to be interesting to see as the year develops how these conversations take shape.
But to my transsistahs, take a leap of faith and befriend one of those biosisters you've been dying to get to know. She may feel the same way about you and not all biowomen are 'The Enemy'. You may also gain a lifelong friend in the process.

To those of you who are struggling with those issue or are in less than ideal family situations, deal with your transgender issues when the time is right and after prayerful consideration.
I know we have major work ahead of us. We continue to lose our sisters at a alarming rate. We're pretty much alone when it comes to dealing with our myriad problems. Let's show ourselves some love and begin doing the work to confound our critics and build our community.
And to paraphrase Sister Maya, and still we rise.
FYI, I noticed that the Lamda Legal story about KK Logan constantly refers to her using the male pronouns. I've put a call into LL's home office (212-809-8585) and left a message with their publications director, stating that using male pronouns is inappropriate for a young woman and that this puts the lives of trans women in danger by reinforcing the "men in dresses" stereotype. Hopefully she (the director) will get back to me. I'd suggest others do the same.
Thanks for the head's up.....
I think Lambda Legal used male pronouns because K.K. Logan identifies as male, and not female. At least that is what is claimed by articles appearing in The Advocate and the Court TV website.
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