First order of business was halting all of the last minute regulations Bushie boy tried to ramrod through in the final days and hours of his misadministration, making the first moves to shut down Guantanamo Bay, enacting tough new ethics rules and making calls to world leaders in the Middle East.
One I was especially concerned about as a transperson was the one that allowed health care personnel to deny treatment or dispense medication for religious reasons, and hopefully, that's one of the policies that's under review.
In the meantime, enjoy Will.I.Am's slammin' song that matches the title of this post.
Apparently, the medical providers ex order cannot be frozen, because it took effect 1-18 already. Supposedly, Administration people are looking into how to reverse it, however.
CNN showed the Obamas arrival at each of the balls, and at the last one, poor Michelle was clearly in pain. I hope she can take some time to soak those poor feet, after hours in those 4" heels.
As for the President, he's got a whole lotta work to do.
I hope that he is able to rescind this in some way or another. It effects cisgendered women as well. These medical professionals are using it as an excuse not to provide the morning after pill or abortion, or birth control. It is my belief that if you don't want to offer these services you should not be in the medical field.
Everyone thought Bush was just lame ducking his way through the last couple of days but he managed to royal screw all women underneath the table (wow that really wasn't supposed to be that suggestive.)
One I was especially concerned about as a transperson was the one that allowed health care personnel to deny treatment or dispense medication for religious reasons, and hopefully, that's one of the policies that's under review.
This reminds me of the first time I was able to sit through the documentary Southern Comfort (I think I am getting the name right) when the main guy died because the (evil, hell-bound) doctors refused to give him treatment for his ovarian cancer! I was watching it in my LGBT history class and literally started shaking with rage.
Moral objection my ass. "Well God/my pastor/the cereal box told me that Blacks/Homosexuals/Transpeople/Old people/Poor people have the right to live/need anesthesia/should be supported by tax dollars/deserve the best medicine/should be allowed to reproduce/have a right to birth control so I just didn't help them." Like this shit isn't already happening in medicine already...we have to give legal protection to the bastards perpetrating it.
Seriously revoking this shit is one of my top picks of the moment for shit that needs to get done.
Jeez one more thing I need to worry about when finding a doctor in Texas..."Where is your degree from? Also will you try to prevent me from protecting my body from an unwanted pregnancy? Yes...oh well then I guess I should see someone else." WTF.
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