But just as my peeps have learned over the centuries to take dire situations and turn them into humor, transwomen for the sake of our own sanity either have or will need to learn how to do the same thing.
Like the Playboy transgender themed cartoons that are part of this post, while they are examples of some serious moments in transgender people's lives, I look at them and take a moment to chuckle. It helps remind me to stand down just for a few moments from the Defcon 1 life-or-death game face I have to put on sometimes just to live my life in a world that can be hostile to transgender people.

I take time to find humor in my situation and allow it into my life because even though I'm committed to seeing transgender rights laws become a reality and do my small part to make it happen, it can be depression inducing and frustrating work. But even out of some of those journeys to lobby have come humorous moments that I treasure to this day.
There have been times when I've gone to conventions and been one of the few African-Americans in the room, but have observed or experienced things that made me double over in laughter.

I know we are tackling some serious and seemingly intractable problems, especially as transpeople of color. But just as we need to stop, take a look around and thank God for the blessings that we have in our lives such as good friends, good health and allies who get it, we should at the same time try to find ways to inject more humor in our lives as well.
TransGriot Note: cartoons were transgender themed recaptions by Lorna Samuels
That first cartoon is so apropos (my Dad still calls me "son"); the third one cracked me up!
Galling Galla.
I liked these recaps of the cartoons by Lorna.
They did remind me of dffferent parts of my transition journey.
I've done the 'haven't we met before' scene a couple of times and it is funny, especially watching their faces! :)
As for forgetting to lock the toilet: Yup... Done that, too and luckily I was also sitting down when the door was opened by a colleague!
There are some really funny aspects to transition and it is nice to be able to laugh about them.
Gods, yes. Watching peoples face when they realize our shared history is one of the few things that I really enjoy. I figure that I need to indulge in those things that don't hurt anyone and make my life better... goodness knows you get enough negative about being trans from everyone.
I've got my 10th high school reunion coming up this year. It'll be .. interesting. I don't know if I should be quivering in fear or cackling evilly about it though.
Best advice I can give you about the reunion is have fun, enjoy it, be prepared for varying reactions from your classmates from total acceptance to shunning you and have a witty line ready for accepting the 'Most Changed Award' that you're probably going to win.
The funniest 'haven't I met you' moments have been at my HS reunions.
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