The peeps who were there making trans history along with our beaming allies are still talking about it. The buzz generated by Trans*H4CK ended up in local media along with this Wall Street Journal article
I'm looking forward to hearing about Trans*H4CK 2.0. I'm sure if it does happen Kortney will be letting me and 'errbody' else know the dates for it so I can pass them along to you TransGriot readers.
Y'all know I wasn't just sitting in my Washington Inn Hotel room twiddling my thumbs, especially after I discovered they had a computer downstairs. I went into reporter mode for this weekend while waiting for Sunday and the major reason for my trip to Oakland as a judge for this wildly successful inaugural Trans*H4CK.
Personally, I hope another one happens and Kortney gets much more support for it from the Bay Area trans community and elsewhere. I also hope that other parts of the country replicate this model and use it in their own communities and start creating empowering apps and computer content that help advance our community and trans social justice issues.
To make it easy on you, I'm consolidating those Trans* H4CK posts in one handy dandy one for your TransGriot reading pleasure and enjoy.
Trans H4CK-Day One
Trans H4CK-Day Two
Trans H4CK-Day Three
Bye Oakland and Trans H4CK, Hello H-Town
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