Sadly, the stupidity didn't take a holiday or get left behind in 2011, and we have many fools to choose from this week.
In the running for our initial award of this year are the usual group nominations for the Republican Party and Fox Noise, 2011 Shut Up Fool of The Year Herman Cain, 2009 Shut Up Fool of the Year Michael Steele, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tagg Romney, Pat Robertson, Gov Scott Walker (R-WI), and for the last time since she's suspending her campaign Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN)
Honorable mention goes to Newt Gingrich for his jacked up comment in which he stated 'he'll come to the NAACP convention (that will be in Houston BTW) and tell the African-American community why they should be demanding paychecks instead of food stamps'.
The NAACP convention will be here in Houston this July. We'll be looking forward to calling your bigoted azz out when you and wifey number three get here.

In addition to pissing off women and the gay community in the run up to Tuesday's Iowa caucus in which he lost by 8 votes, he pissed off the Black community with this racist dog whistle comment while discussing welfare programs in Iowa..
“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them someone’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.”
Umm dude, it's people who look like you who are the major beneficiaries of welfare, and contrary to right wing opinion, African-Americans do pay taxes. Besides, your party by attacking governemnt sector and union jobs is erasing our opportunity and other middle class Americans to earn money at good middle class pay rates.
Your fellow conservatives were right about you, and you bring to life a comment describing the Keystone State in which it's said that "Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh in the west, Philadelphia in the east and Alabama in the middle."
Rick Santorum, shut up fool.
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