My Gabriel Aubry post is the one that pissed this person off, and true to form, they refused to put their name on their long winded diatribe.
Here's the comment from @multiracialweek
The author of this article is ignorant. And if what is being said about Gabriel Aubry is true he is ignorant too. First of all Halle and Gabriel's daughter is multiracial, not just Black and not just White. Secondly the One Drop Rule was abolished in 1967. While it may still be embraced by persons particularly in the African American community, we as Multiracial/Biracial persons have come a long way.
In addition it does not matter how society views Multiracial persons. They can view us as just Black, just Latino or just Asian however, society does NOT define us. We are not waiting on the White man or Black man's seal of approval to accept us as Multiracial. We define ourselves because we have the right to because it is our life. Society also views African Americans as being n******, ghetto, poor, lazy, etc. etc., and Latinos for being lazy, having multiple babies and for being illegal immigrants, but are these stereotypes true? NO. So therefore just because "society" views us as only one race does not mean it is true. It is interesting how you can reject racial stereotypes, and other forms of discrimination but people like you cannot seem to let go of the One Drop Rule, which is also discriminatory and racist. We are not stating we are multiracial or biracial to deny any part of our heritage but rather to embrace all of it. You can say that all Black people are mixed, if that is the case then why don't every Black person refer to themselves as multiracial? We are sick and tired of African Americans like you that keep referencing to the One Drop Rule which was created by a racist White person to attempt and hold multiracial persons back from our true heritage. We are not denying or attempting to deny our Black heritage. We love it. BUT we also love our Irish, Italian, German, Latino, Asian etc. as well. Get a clue, and get educated about multiracial/biracial persons, and recognize that we are here and will continue to proclaim ALL of our heritage regardless of whom has a problem with it.
First sign of a losing argument....demonize the messenger.
First who are you calling ignorant...the person at TMZ or the TransGriot? You didn't make that clear.
You're ignorant too... You're ignorant of history and what the hell has been going on DESPITE your efforts to forcefully self identify as biracial and get biracial folks to claim all their heritage. You want to ignore the fact that you are battling 400 years of slavery based negativity and the fact much of what happens in America still hinges on skin color.

And obviously the race of his daughter mattered to Gabriel Aubry because he wouldn't have complained or demanded media retractions about people considering Nahla black if he didn't feel there was something 'wrong' with his daughter being considered Black.
We didn't come up with the 'One Drop Rule'. White people did because they were running around in the slave quarters late at night and had to deal with the conundrum of what to do about the kids that were conceived. White people codified it into law.
I didn't get and still don't get the luxury of ignoring race. I was born in 1962 in a segregated hospital, matriculated in a school district that was desegregating 'with all deliberate speed' starting in 1967, the year Loving v. Virgina went down and grew up in all Black neighborhoods. Race smacked me in the face every day even when I didn't want to deal with it.
When the Tea Klux Klan was protesting our biracial president last summer during the health care debate, they didn't aim their bigoted signs at the white half of his heritage. Nope, all the signs I saw disrespected the Black half.
When Mr. Cablinasian stopped winning major golf tournaments and got caught up in a major sex scandal that ended his marriage to his Swedish wife, suddenly he was Black again.
.The 'one drop rule' may have gone down legislatively as a result of of Loving v. Virginia, but it still endures culturally and permeates every facet of it.
And I call bull feces on your claim that biracial people aren't doing it to run away from their African heritage. Eldrick Woods comes to mind in that regard. I have seen more than a few biracial peeps run like Flo Jo and Usain Bolt away from the African roots, which makes me love biracial people like Halle Berry and Alicia Keys.even more when they publicly embrace their Black side.
Black people may be mixed culturally and genetically, but a white supremacist dominated society has told us otherwise. A society dominated by 'whiteness' lets biracial kids with a Black parent know instantly what team they play on, especially if they've got an abundance of melanin in their skin.
Until 'whiteness' and 'white supremacy' are destroyed in this country, it isn't driving societal policy and how societal power is distributed you can scream, rant and rave you're biracial all you want, American society however as constituted is still going to demand you pick a side whether you want to or not. That's especially true if your skin tone puts you on the 'non-white' scale of things despite coming out of the birth canal of a white woman or being fathered by a white male..
And that's keeping it real for you.
Thanks for playing, I have as a parting gift of Stevie Wonder's song 'Ebony and Ivory' for you..
Oh yeah, duck and cover and don't look at the flash.
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