Wednesday, October 03, 2018

CASN Birthday Brunch Coming Soon!

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I'm getting another award for a locally based org soon along with another group of amazing Houston activists from the Clinic Access Support Network.

The Clinic Access Support Network is a Houston based non profit that provides free transportation, accommodations, and emotion support for people seeking abortion services.

And they are celebrating their fifth anniversary with a birthday brunch.

Image result for Clinic access support network logo
CASN Birthday Brunch is happening on October 14 from 11:00 AM - 2 PM CDT, and is a fundraising event for the organization. 

The wonderful Houston area activists being honored for their work along with moi at the historic Whitehall Hotel are Daniel Cohen, Maximo Cortez, Kandice Webber, Nisha Randle, Hannah Thalenberg, Kenya Martin< Fran Watson, Jessica DeFeo and Katya Strinka.

Our keynote speaker for the CASN Birthday Brunch is one of my sheroes I've been dying to meet in former Texas senator and 2014 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Wendy Davis

FYI, CASN is already taking nominations for next year's class of Houston area activist heroes and sheroes.   You can nominate the Houston area peeps doing outstanding local work at the following link here: