Sunday, November 13, 2016

What We has Here Is A Fauxgressive Failure To Communicate 5 (Part II)

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This is the continuation of a post about a conversation thread that broke out on my Facebook page that encapsulates why many of us in the non-white trans community believe that in some cases our biggest problem we face is not a hostile to our human rights Trump administration, but the lukewarm white trans fauxgressives in our own ranks.

Cue Olivia Maynard again...

 Joanna Clark What frustrates me with the White Supremist mentality is their ignorance of where they came from. Had it not been for a small band of dark-skinned Africans who had the courage to hike out of Africa 65,000 to 130,000 years ago and settle the world, us white folks would not be here. We owe our lives to them.
LikeReply21 hrsEdited
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard No individual is to blame for a system.

Racism is racism. 

We either move forward together or we move to tribalism.
Esarhaddon Asshur "Move forward together" when the country, thanks to the system, threw LGBT and especially T under the bus for the sake of a candidate endorsed by the Nazis and the Klan. Yeah. Sure.
LikeReply18 hrs
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Yes all lgbt. All T.

White ones too.

So when leaders of Houston tell white lgbt they don't have their back you will do major harm.

It will be bad
Esarhaddon Asshur Plenty of white LGBT voted for Trump so that's a bit hypocritical. Too many white people didn't have POCs back this election or at any point in American history, why should we be entitled to expect them to have ours?
LikeReply18 hrs
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard POC and I know 3 Trans women of color who voted Trump. I know over 20 Poc who voted Trump .
Esarhaddon Asshur The plural of anecdote is not data.
Monica Roberts @Olivia, The vast majority of us non-white folks didn't because we knew Trump would be a disaster.

Guess you want to ignore the long lines of Latino and Black voters here and around the country, myself and my family included, that damned sure didn't w
ant a Trump presidency

Make no mistake about it, the vast majority of nonwhite Americans are openly fearful and angry for good reason about what happened on Tuesday and literally despise this man, conservatism and the Republican Party.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard The numbers speak for themselves. 

I know that when I had arguments with some POC and they would say it is white privilege that allows me to vote Clinton. Not one person of color said they were wrong. 

Some of them had a grand time arguing with me for months.

Nope. If it were just one person it would be different. It was dozens.

They grew their numbers right on my page for six months.
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur The plural of anecdote is not data.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Yes it is data. Just like the fact black people didn't turn out is data
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur No it is not. All statistics show POCs disproportionately voted Clinton and white people for Trump. Those are actual statistics.
LikeReply12 hrs
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard She didn't even get Obamas 08 numbers
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur She is still racking up votes as not all Democratic votes are in. None of that equals denial of the exit polls and the actual factual information.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Nina Turner a POC former Ohio Senator openly says Trump did great in the Black and Latino communities and grew the party.

She was for Sanders and think Clinton wasn't populist enough. That Trump did a better Job.
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur One anecdote does not invalidate all the election polls and statistics that say otherwise.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Ok. Sure. Ignoring the multitude of people of color who either didn't vote or actually voted Trump is not good
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur Ignoring voter suppression for three years and pretending Ferguson and the judicial murders didn't set a precedent is utter idiocy. White people voted for Trump across age and gender. That matters. It is true whether it offends you or not.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Esarhaddon Asshur It doesn't offend me. It's true. What offends me is race baiting an election that was about immigration and LGBT. 

Family values isn't a white phrase for get black people. It is a phrase for get LGBT. 

So white LGBT kids need a safe place going forward. 

Montrose center is failing them by race baiting. We need a new center
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur Fuck you.
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Esarhaddon Asshur You are literally going full Klan here. You are a wolf in sheep's clothing, the kind of person who would let the Galaxy Burn over your pettiness. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
LikeReply11 hr
Monica Roberts

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Justina Williams It's so sad that our Hilliary did not win the electoral college. They should do away with it.
LikeReply16 hrs
Monica Roberts No Olivia, 'racism is bigotry and prejudice infused with systemic power used by a majority group to retard, roll back or eviscerate the progress of a minority group. Only one ethnic group in America has that power and they gleefully at times use it.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard I get that. 

However to lay this election at the feet of white people. Or white women specifically is to miss the mark.

POC didn't turn out and those that did went to Trump and Republican in the biggest numbers ever.

I have lost friends I have had for years who were people of color because my white privilege of telling them Trump is racist.

I was dragged by people of color black Trans women. For fighting for Hillary.

So I will not listen to anyone blame me. 

I certainly will not listen to Montrose center leaders blame white LGBT people. White LGBT kids are suffering.

I promise this. If they don't stop my goal is white donations leave Montrose center.

I mean it. Stop race baiting, and tell the preacher she isn't believable in her role as professional race baiter.
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur POC Goddamn well did turn out. The largest constituency for Trump was white people. Fuck if I care you don't like those facts.
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Esarhaddon Asshur You are blackmailing over white supremacy and seeing yourself as a hero? The fuck is this bullshit?
LikeReply12 hrs
Monica Roberts @Esahaddon, this is Whiteness and white supremacy in action.
LikeReply12 hrs
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Yeah tell that to the multiple Trans and cis people of color who routinely mock me for my white privilege for voting Clinton.
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur Monica, indeed. This is exactly how Trump won. This callous sociopathy.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard We are going to lose everything. This will not be a coalition that can survive.

White LGBT kids need a safe place. That is obvious. 

We will fracture over race.
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur The fracturing happened November 8th when white people made Trump happen.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Well my goal is white dollars not going to harm white LGBT kids. 

We different goals. 

Let's race bait each other and see who is best. I know my goal is to see Montrose center lose 10% in donations for race baiting leaders this year.

Let's burn it all down
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur Then you literally want kids hurt because of a sociopathic motivation. You are openly wanting to hurt GLBT kids. Fuck this entitled Klan mentality and tribalism nonsense.
LikeReply12 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur You condemn tribalism and speak of white dollars and white feelings as central. Do you fucking hear yourself?
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard I am living in reality. There are white dollars and black dollars. People say that all the time. Time to split up. 

It's ok. Maybe one day we can make up. However I do have my purpose this year. Convince Montrose center leaders to focus on LGBT 
and not scapegoat white people on issues out of their mission.

10% is my goal.

I will be successful. Why. I will have help from the very people of color who mocked me for Voting Clinton
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur So black LGBT don't exist? Go fuck yourself.
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Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Esarhaddon Asshur of course they exist. However, Montrose center isn't blaming them for Trump.

10% that is the goal
Reply2 hrs
Esarhaddon Asshur So you're actually threatening children over your imagined grievance. Good Gods.
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Monica Roberts and doing so on the page of a Black trans activist who was lobbying Capitol Hill when her ass was still too scared to come out
LikeReply12 hrs
Olivia Kimberly Maynard
Olivia Kimberly Maynard Monica Roberts I love you Monica and yes you have been fighting a great fight even when I was too chicken shit to come out.

However, I didn't see you address Fox News Trans person of color as she recruited people on my page. 
...See More
Reply1 hr
Monica Roberts Bye Olvia, not in the mood for your selfish white privileged BS right now

Not in the mood to coddle clueless idiots right now
LikeReply11 hrEdited
Phil Stinard Wishing financial ruin for the Montrose Center due to one's misguided interpretations of election data is petty at best and borderline psychotic at worst. I agree with Monica.
LikeReply48 mins
Monica Roberts

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Monica Roberts Olivia, you and fauxgressives like you are what's wrong with this country. The reality is that because of your white skin, you DO have privilege and advantages that no trans person of color ever will have or get. Your white privilege has allowed yo...See More
LikeReply21 hrEdited
Alvin A. McEwen They don't know which direction to go? First you begin assembling the troops so to speak and assure us that you have our backs. Really we need to get more leaders who can perform well under adversity then publicly twiddle their thumbs in abject fear.
LikeReply11 hr
Monica Roberts We also need leaders willing to speak truth, not only to the powerful, but to the idiots in our own ranks
LikeReply347 mins
Alvin A. McEwen AND be not afraid to aggressively challenge anti-lgbt groups before they begin a campaign, leaving us to play catch up.
LikeReply15 mins
This is whiteness and white privilege in action, folks.  You are not immune to it, nor can dismiss the fact you don't have ti just because you are a member of the TBLGQ community.   You still marinated in a society that prizes and exalts whiteness uber alles
If you can't honestly look in the mirror and see that, then you are as much of an enemy to me and all non-white trans people as the folks who gleefully voted for Trump and all you third party voters in swing states who voted that way knowing the stakes of this election, and are now trying to riverdance away from what you enabled.

cluelessness is enabling the very oppression you claim to be opposed to.  

As someone who relentlessly calls it out when conservafools are swimming it, I also have an obligation to call it out when it occurs in our trans ranks

Needless to say she got blocked.