Friday, November 04, 2016

Last Day Of Texas Early Voting

Today is the last day of early voting in Battleground Texas, and in Harris County and elsewhere across our vast state, early voting turnout has not only seen large numbers of Democrats participating, it is setting records in many of the most populous counties across Texas,

I handled my early voting business on the first day, so if you haven't voted yet, tomorrow is your last opportunity to do so.   You have until 7 PM to be in line at your fave early voting place and cast your ballots in this critical election for not only the next president, but all the important down ballot races that affect your every day life. .

If you miss this last day of early voting, you'll have to wait until Election day to cast your ballot, and you'll have to do so from your regular polling place.

It's your choice.  You can either do it on Friday and have your choice of early voting spots across the county to do so, or wait until Tuesday and be able to vote only at your regular precinct.

But whatever you choose to do, just vote.  The stakes are too high in this election for you to sit it out.