Saturday, November 12, 2016

Transgender Day Of Remembrance Event At HCC Southeast Tuesday

Trans Awareness Week in the runup to the November 20 TDOR tends to get busy for me as we take time to not only educate others in our community about our lives, but memorialize the people we have lost due to anti-trans violence.

I also enjoy speaking and doing events at our various Houston area colleges and universities..

Thanks to Prof. Antrece Baggett, I've been invited to participate in their upcoming Transgender Day of Remembrance event at the HCC-Southeast Campus along with Dr. Ilija Immanuel Gallego.

It's also a timely one in the wake of our disastrous election a week ago.

The HCC-Southeast College TDOR event is sponsored by the SE College Black Student Association, Women and Gender Studies Program, Counseling Center, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and the History Department.,

Image result for angela morales building hccThe HCC Southeast campus is located at 6815 Rustic St just off I-45 near Gulfgate Mall.   The TDOR event on the HCC-SE campus will start at 6 PM in the Angela Morales Building in Lecture Hall A.

The event is open to students, faculty, staff and the community, so hope to see my Houston trans fam and allies there if you can attend.