Monday, November 07, 2016

Dear Texas Trans Kids

Dear Texas Trans Kids,

When I, your parents and all the people who love you went to the polls during the first day of early voting in our state back on October 25 and all the way through the conclusion of the early voting phase of this election on November 4, one of the things on my mind as I waited in line 40 minutes to get to the machine on that warm fall day to vote my straight Democratic ticket was you.

I have not been happy about the Republican leadership of this state in Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Gov. Greg Abbott, and Attorney General Ken Paxton gleefully working to one up each other in terms of being transphobic legislative bullies.

I have been particularly incensed along with other reality based progressive Texans to see that a few superintendents in some Texas school districts are following their reprehensible transphobic lead.

We'll deal with Abbott, Patrick. Paxton and the transphobic bullies in his party in the next legislative session and the 2018 election cycle.

But for now we are grappling with the immediate threat to you trans kids at the federal level if Donald Trump becomes president.  You Texas trans kids are why we are fighting with every fiber of our beings to make this a better Texas, a better America and a better world for you.

Image result for Texas transgender kids
There is no way I, your parents and our allies are going to support political candidates that deny your existence and wish to make your lives harder.  We are quite aware of the stakes in this 2016 presidential election and do not want to see Donald Trump become the Trans Bully in Chief.

Neither do we wish to see Rudy Giuliani become the next Attorney General, four anti-trans Supreme Court justices, more anti trans federal judges like Reed O'Connor or professional anti-trans bigots like Tony Perkins getting policy making jobs in a Trump administration.

That's why we are fighting to ensure that Hillary Clinton becomes our next and 45th president of the United States and we're trying to help make it easier for her to enact her policy agenda that will benefit you by trying mightily to elect a Democratic Senate and House.  

One of the vital tools in us accomplishing that mission is our ballots and voting in each and every election cycle and it's why you have seen record breaking turnout across the state.  

Will it help us turn Texas blue tomorrow?   Odds and pundits say it won't, but what we do know from the 2014 election cycle is that 25% turnout definitely won't turn Texas blue, so we must vote in increasing numbers starting in this cycle and every election cycle from now on until until it does.

We love you, Texas trans kids.   I, your parents, your trans elders and allies want you to grow up in an inclusive Lone Star State in which all you will need to do is just concentrate on your studies, dream big dreams and work hard to accomplish them.

It's why we're supporting Hillary Clinton for president and other pro-trans candidates all the way down the 2016 election ballot from POTUS to dogcatcher. We want you to be able to become the best people you can be, and have your lives, liberty, freedoms and constitutional rights respected and protected.

Also know that your Aunt Monica is proud of you, wherever you are on your transition journey.

I, your trans elders and a host of people will have your backs here in the Lone Star State, the country and around the globe as you grow up to become the amazing people God created you to be,

While many of us elders are worried about how this election will turn out, we also have infinite faith and hope that we will see something wonderful happen for our nation tomorrow.

So know that we got this, Texas trans kids.  We will do our part to ensure that you see some positive American history being made tomorrow, so that you can make some positive history of your own in the future.
