Friday, November 04, 2016

TransLatina Coalition's G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show Tomorrow

Image result for GARRAS fashion show

For those of you in the Los Angeles area, if you're looking for an event to attend that also serves as a fundraiser, tomorrow night the TransLatina Coalition's G.A.R.R.A.S.  Fashion Show will take place starting at 6 PM PDT.

Image result for GARRAS fashion show
G.A.R.R.A.S. stands for Groundbreaking Activism Redirecting and Reforming All Systems.  The show is not only a fundraiser for the TransLatina Coalition, it is a fashion show in which all of the participants are trans women.

The G.A.R.R.A.S. Fashion Show is an event that provides visibility for the Los Angeles area trans community and supports the Center for Violence Prevention and Transgender Wellness, which is a program of the TransLatin@ Coalition.

There are some limited tickets available for the fashion show that transcends borders, with the ticket prices ranging from $15-$100.   You can click on this link to purchase those tickets.

Image result for 2015 GARRAS fashion show
The G.A.R.R.A.S. Show will take place at the Florentine Gardens, located at 5951 Hollywood Blvd. in  LOs Angeles, CA from 6-9 PM    If you need further information about it, you can check out the TransLatina Coalition website.

Hope that this year's edition of the G.A.R/R.A.S. show is once again a success, and please check out and support my Los Angeles area trans Latina sisters for a night of high fashion and fun for a great cause..