Thursday, September 29, 2016

You Don't Need A Photo ID To Vote In Texas!

Types of accepted ID
Hallelujah, the Texas GOP Voter Suppression (ID) law is dead!  If you don't have a photo ID, you do not need to produce one to vote when early voting in Texas starts on October 24.

You will need to fill out a short form explaining the reason you don't have one, swear you are who you say you are, then sign it.

Early voting dates for this 2016 election are October 24-November 4.   Election Day is November 8.

All you'll need is either your blue Texas voter registration card or these government documents with your name and address.  Voters with a disability may apply for a permanent exemption to showing ID at the polls.
Image result for texas voter registration card harris county 2016
*Your certified original birth certificate
*A government check  (copy or original)
*A current utility bill (copy or original)
*A bank statement (copy or original)
*A paycheck (copy or original) 

As a reminder, the accepted photo ID are a Texas drivers license, a Texas ID card issued by the DPS, Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by the DPS, a handgun license, US military ID with photo, US passport, and US citizenship certificate with photo.  

Election poll workers are prohibited by law from challenging your reason for being unable to obtain a photo ID.   If they give you any drama, you can call the Voter Protection Hotline at 1-844-TXVOTES 

Image result for texas voter machines
If you wish to participate in the upcoming election in Texas, you must be registered to vote by October 11.

So handle your election business, people!