Our men's and women;s hockey teams are still unbeaten, Renee. The thunder I'm feeling has a red, white and blue tinge to it.
So far the USA is on track to matching its all time high for total medals won in a winter Olympiad with a week of competition to go.
Okay loyal TransGriot readers, y'all know what time it is. It's time to see what fool or fools are going for the gold in terms of Olympic level ignorance and foolishness.
Once again, for the duration of the Games, there will be gold, silver and bronze level winners.
So let's get to this week's Shut Up Fool! Awards.
The SUF bronze goes to Jason Mattera, who said at the ongoing CPAC convention in DC that a feminist new Black man is a cross between RuPaul and Barney Frank.
And Jason, a conservative is a cross between a Klansman and Rush Limbaugh

Needless to say my Houston homeboy, who BTW in his day job is the editor of the Chicago Defender, wasn't happy about it.
I have demanded an apology for Malkin admitting she lifted this and actually didn’t research this herself to verify it’s veracity, and I want an apology from her editor on this as well. And I want a correction sent out to every paper that carries her column, and Malkin MUST write a correction on her own blog admitting to her error and apologizing to me.
I am absolutely offended with her inability to perform a basic task of a journalist of verifying something first before you repeat it!
The SUF gold medal goes to Glenn Beck, who compared teacher's unions to leeches.
Glenn Beck, shut the hell up, fool!
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