Monday, February 01, 2010

The Choice Is Clear

Since this is Black History Month, I think this is an appropriate time to post this fresh for the 2K10 wake up call.

Don't think because I and other peeps haven't mentioned it for a few months that our pissivity over being ignored or not called for hearings, White House events, or television appearances when they pertain to educating the general public on transgender issues has gone away.

The African descended trans community is fed up with the racism and being demonized and marginalized while taking the brunt of the anti-trans violence.

We are increasingly sick and tired of being in Fannie Lou Hamer mode about the jacked up situation we find ourselves in and more than a little frustrated with the white run trans movement right now.

It's a movement that seems like it's hellbent on replicating the same failed 'just like you' political strategy that has plagued the GL movement and stalled its legislative progress while ignoring the fact that the main thing all transpeeps need are jobs, jobs, jobs and legislative protection to keep them.

New decade, new rules.

Some of y'all may like the status quo, but African descended trans people definitely aren't feeling it.

I continue to hear that frustration expressed from African descended trans leaders and other trans people across the country. There's a restlessness, awareness and growing dissatisfaction with our lack of visibility and participation in setting the trans community political agenda.

And the racism is only pouring gasoline on the smoldering resentment.

There's growing sentiment that we handle our business just like our grandparents and great grandparents did when they found themselves being disrespected and shut out of power from white-run institutions.

Form our own.

Once again, you can either take this as the warning it's untended to be, or continue listening to the peeps that have mishandled this situation, slimed the messenger and pooh-pooh it.

There is a chasm developing between the African descended trans community and the European descended one. It's either voluntarily do the morally correct and sensible thing on your own or else the divide will become as wide as the Grand Canyon.

And when that happens, you will find yourselves in the same predicament feminism is currently in.

You'll wake up one day to discover the Transgender Talented Tenth have risen up to bid you goodbye and good luck as we take control of our own destinies.

You'll find yourself at that moment, just as feminism did in the late 80's early 90's, staring at an African-American led and run trans movement that neither wants or will be inclined to include you.

With prudent positive action, you may avoid the fate of feminism, but the clock is ticking.

Choose wisely.