Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year-Happy Anniversary TransGriot Blog!

Happy New Year!

Wow, another year has flown by. It seems like the older you get, the faster time marches on.

It was just 365 days ago that I started this TransGriot Blog. I knew I was going to start one but it wasn't quite clear at the time in my mind what direction I wanted to take it. The only thing I knew for certain was the start date was going to be on January 1, just as I did with the Transistahs-Transbrothas Yahoo list that is three years old today.

Some of the questions I pondered during the countdown to TransGroit's startup date were, Did I want to do an extension of my column for THE LETTER and just add real time commentary to the stories that I chose to write? Did I want to do strictly news on the transgender community or take a broader approach?

In the end, I just decided to go with what my heart was telling me and just simply write what I felt. In addition to posting my monthly TransGriot columns, I'd comment on breaking news stories. I've posted my poetry or short stories. I've posted my thoughts on transition from an African-American perspective and will resume (one of these days) the series of articles I started about the various women who were influences on the type of woman I wanted to project to the world.

Thanks to all of you who have written or told me personally how much you enjoy this blog. (just need y'all to leave a comment every now and then). It's nice to know that my efforts to provide you a window of the world as I see it along with some of my guest columnists have been noticed and are appreciated.

I'll make one promise for you in 2007, dear readers. Get ready for even more of the same as I strive to make this blog even better.