Yes, we get snow in Houston from time to time. Sometimes it's just a light dusting, while other times it can be several inches like it was during my first Houston snowfall event in January 1973. Sometimes it's just in the northern suburbs, and other times it encompasses the entire area.
The 'burbs got the measurable snow this time, while in my southside neighborhood we got a light dusting. The flakes started coming down around 10 PM last night but weren't sticking. I awoke to snow covered roofs and cars before the rapidly warming temps melted it. We hit 49 degrees (9 C) for a high temp today but the clear skies guarantee we will hit the freezing mark or close to it again tonight.
So let's segue to our usual Friday business of calling out fools, who are sadly more frequent that Houston snowfall. Tim for this week's edition of the TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards.
Honorable mention number one is the Guiding Light Church in Birmingham, AL for coonery above and beyond the call of duty that earns them an Uncle Ruckus Award . These kneegrows invited Roy Moore, an enemy of our people, to speak at their church.
Y'all need your Black Cards revoked for this.
Honorable mention number two goes to Tomi Lahren, who learned that of you mess with Beyonce, you'll get stung by the Beyhive.
Honorable mention number three to Time Magazine for decalring the #MeToo movement the Persons of the Year, but instead of having the creator of it Tarana Burke on the cover put Taylor Swift's fauxgressive azz on it.
Honorable mention number four is former Colorado GOP chairman Steve Curtis, who got busted actually doing what they accuse Democratic voters of doing in every election cycle.
He got busted for and convicted of forgery and election fraud.
This week's Shut Up Fool Award winner is the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune for their idiotic swastika cake analogy in this editorial to justify discrimination against TBLGQ Americans

Y'all need to stop with the repeated attempt in white run media trying to put positive spin on the ridiculous concept of allowing fundies to discriminate against people they don't like.
Because if in your minds it's okay for fudies to discriminate against TBLGQ people, then it will okay for the nation of Islam to discriminate against you for being in their eyes and in their religious beliefs 'white devils'
Chicago Tribune editorial board, shut up fools!
I wonder if Tomi Lahren will mess with Beyonce again?
"Honorable mention number three to Time Magazine for decalring the #MeToo movement the Persons of the Year, but instead of having the creator of it Tarana Burke on the cover put Taylor Swift's fauxgressive azz on it."
Haha! 'Fauxgressive', good word for her! Her new tour is causing quite an uproar: Taylor Swift Reputation Tour Sale Leaves Some Fans Fuming
With some of these kinds of prices, I can see their point, check these out for example: Taylor Swift Arlington Tickets
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