Thursday, December 28, 2017

Neuroscientist Dr. Ben Barres Dies

Image result for dr ben barres stanford university
We've lost another of our trans elders and pioneers in Stanford University neuroscientist Dr. Ben Barres. 

Dr Barres passed away at age 63 on December 27, 20 months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

Dr Barres focused his research on the cells in the brain that aren't nerve cells, called glia cells.  That research would revolutionize the field of neurobiology 

He authored over 167 peer reviewed papers during his career and was elected to membership in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine.

If we eventually find a cure for Alzheimer's and other neurological conditions, Dr Barres' research into glial cells will be indispensable in putting scientists on the path for doing so.

As a trans masculine person, he was a champion for marginalized groups in academia and society, and will be missed by his colleges and all who loved him.