Thursday, January 01, 2015

Strange Fruit' Hits 100 Show Milestone

Heard the wonderful news from Da Ville that Niece and Nephew's public radio show recently broadcast its 100th episode.

Niece and Nephew as you longtime TransGriot readers are aware of would be the fab duo of Dr. Kaila Story and Jaison Gardiner.   They are the hosts of WFPL-FM's Strange Fruit, a weekly radio show that discusses pop culture, current events, politics and Black gay life.

The show is produced by Laura Ellis and broadcast locally on 89.3 FM and is available to the rest of us via podcast.

I've known Laura for a few years on Facebook, but finally had the pleasure of meeting her when I did my first in studio taping of a Strange Fruit  show when I visited Da Ville back in September.

FruitCakes, as they lovingly call their loyal listeners, know that I have had the pleasure of doing three of those 100 shows which involved your fave transfeminine blogger commenting on some issue du jour.

Congrats Strange Fruit team for your broadcast milestone of 100 shows!  Looking forward to the next time I get the opportunity to appear on the show, and hope you are blessed to reach the 200 broadcast milestone.