Sunday, January 04, 2015

Rev. Carol Stone Passes Away

Reverend Carol Stone.Some sad news to report from the other side of The Pond concerning a trans pioneer.

The Rev. Carol Stone lost her battle with pancreatic cancer and passed away at age 60.

Rev. Stone was ordained under her previous name as a Church of England vicar in 1978.  After serving in several positions she announced her intention to transition in 2000.  

Although she feared at the time she wouldn't be allowed to speak from the pulpit, the Right Reverent Barry Rogerson, then Bishop of Bristol stated there was no ethical or ecclesiastical reason why she couldn't do so.    She was also supported by her parishioners and received a standing ovation when she returned to the pulpit after her surgery.

Rev. Stone was also a regular radio contributor, and in 1979 received an award from the Sandford St. Martin Trust.

The Right Rev  Lee Rayfield, the Bishop of Swindon in his remarks about Rev Stone said: "She and her colleagues really worked hard and overcame one setback after another, 
'She really was a true priest who overcame a huge amount in her life and a huge amount with other people, and I'll remember her with great affection.' 

Rest in peace Rev. Stone.