Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy 9th Anniversary TransGriot!

January 1 as you long time readers are aware of also happens to be the anniversary date of the founding of TransGriot.   

It was on New Year's Day 2006 that I decided after much prompting from my sis Jordana LeSesne, this would be the day I started this blog with this initial post.

The TransGriot blog Mission Statement came a few years later on January 2, 2011.

The TransGriot blog's mission is to become the griot of our community. I will introduce you to and talk about your African descended transbrothers and transsisters across the Diaspora, reclaim and document our chocolate flavored trans history, speak truth to power, comment on the things that impact our trans community from an Afrocentric perspective and enlighten you about the general things that go on around me and in the communities that I am a member of.
Nine years and several award nominations later, TransGriot has garnered over 5.8 million hits and counting internationally.  It is also considered the go to blog for information and commentary not only about trans people of color, but the trans community as a whole.

And I'm proud to have seen my baby grow up.  So is the person who stayed on my butt and  ensured that first post at midnight EST on January 1, 2006 happened

So proud of you and TransGriot. Just look how far you've come! The best still lay ahead. Onward and upward Monica, just like I said at that conference we met at in Philly.
-Jordana LeSesne

Thanks to all you readers who continue to surf by here to check out my latest posts.  Thanks to all you readers that  I meet as I'm out and about in the world, during my events and my travels across this country (and hopefully soon the world)  how much you appreciate my writing.

You can bet that whatever happens in 2015, I'll be commenting on it.