Sunday, January 04, 2015

Rev. Richardson's Thoughts On The Alcorn Suicide

Rev. Lawrence T. Richardson wrote an essay for his The Salt Collective Blog entitled 'Transgender and Christian..and Crying For Leelah Alcorn'

In it Rev Richardson has this to say about the tragic events.

In response to her parents’ rejection, her own depression, and the feelings of hopelessness, Leelah ended her pain by walking in front of a tractor trailer on the highway. I cry for Leelah. I cry for Leelah because the hatred and the rejection she experienced at the hands of the very people who gave her life is what ultimately contributed to her death. I cry for Leelah because she didn’t know another way. I cry for Leelah because she represents the nearly 50% of all transgender people who attempt suicide. I cry for Leelah because her parents used their Christian faith to justify not loving and affirming their child for who she was and, like many trans folks, this hits too close to home for me… - See more at:
"In response to her parents' rejection, her own depression, and the feelings of hopelessness, Leelah ended her pain by walking in front of a tractor trailer on the highway.  I cry for Leelah.  I cry for Leelah because the hatred and rejection she experienced at the hands of the very people who gave her life is what ultimately contributed to her death."
Rev. Lawrence T. Richardson

You can click on this link to read the rest of Rev. Richardson's essay.