Personally, I like The Rev for his tell it like it is style and his willingness over several decades to speak truth to power. I also disagree with her assessment of The Rev and here's why.
My first point is that if Rev Al Sharpton isn't considered a Black leader, why does FOX Noise, right wing talk radio and the conservafool movement spend every waking moment demonizing him as a 'racist'? If the conservafools are demonizing him and spending their valuable propaganda air time doing so, they obviously fear him and consider him important enough to make the effort to slime him.
Naples asserted in the article that she aimed at White America that his 'popularity is quickly waning'. By what metric are you judging that? Rev. Al's Politics Nation MSNBC show is second in popularity only to whatever waste of programming FOX Noise is broadcasting in that 6 PM ET time slot. The protest march that he called for in the wake of the Garner non indictment in New York back in December drew thousands and national news coverage.
Speaking of that MSNBC show, the fact that it is on five days a week, he has a daily and Sunday syndicated radio programs means that he has the ability to reach far more people than all those social media bloggers that Naples touted but never named in her piece.
While Ms Naples may sneer at his access to President Obama, I'm willing to bet she hasn't come close to signing her name in or running the White House security gauntlet for a meeting with the POTUS or his advisory team as Rev Al has done multiple times.
And you never diss or dismiss anyone who has access to the President of the United States, much less got an invite to his second inauguration..
You may be sick of hearing that Rev Al is a leader, but there are other African-Americans who are glad that he is one of the people speaking for our community.
And right now, he is a Black leader with a big voice.
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