Tuesday, January 27, 2015

RIP Ty Underwood

It saddens and angers me to write another post informing you TransGriot readers about the loss of another trans sister to anti-trans hatred and violence.

This time the location of our latest hate murder is in Tyler, TX and her name is Ty Underwood.   She was just 24 years old.

She was found shot to death early Monday morning in North Tyler on  Twenty Fourth Street.  A woman called 911 saying a car had hit a telephone pole and that her children heard gunshots. Underwood's roommate Coy Simmons believes Underwood was targeted because she is a transgender person.

“She was lovely, just a lovely person. Very real, down to earth person who didn't deserve this, did not deserve this at all,” Simmons told KYTX-TV in an interview.

Tyler Police detectives do have a few leads, but nothing substantial enough to lead to a warrant  or an arrest. “We will follow any leads that come in, we will follow them completely because this was a senseless murder,” Detective Andy Erbaugh said.

Detective Erbaugh believes Underwood was in or near her car when shots were fired. She then tried to drive off, but the car got stuck in a grassy area.

If you live in the Tyler area and know something, call the Tyler Police and tell them what you know.

And yes Ty, you transsisters and all who loved you are not going to rest until the waste of DNA who committed this crime is apprehended, tried, convicted and rotting in a TDC jail cell.

We are also going to make it our business in the 2K15 to let people know that #BlackTransLivesMatter, and the anti-trans hate speech being uttered from pulpits and on right wing talk radio is getting people killed

Rest in power, Ty.