Friday, May 31, 2013

Shut Up Fool Awards-Last Friday In May Edition

MrtIt's been a slow news week in the wake of the Memorial Day holiday, but as Mr. T always said fools are everywhere.  Thankfully for this weekly TransGriot feature fools never take a vacation either from their stupidity.

So let's get right to this week's edition of the Shut Up Fool Awards shall we?

Honorable mention number one goes to Amanda Bynes for the jacked up tweets she sent Rihanna's way in which she said Chris Brown beat her because she was ugly.   

The only ugly one here is you Amanda.    Oh BTW, Lloyd's of London once insured Ri Ri's legs for $1 million and on her worst day Rihanna  is still way better looking and has more class in her pinky finger than you.

Honorable mention number two goes to Ohio State President Gordon Gee, who once again opened his mouth and let insults fly at the Catholic Church, Notre Dame, Kentucky, Louisville, Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany, and the SEC during an OSU Athletic council meeting in December 2012 .

Going to be very interesting to see what happens if Ohio State is on Louisville, Kentucky and Notre Dame's 2013-14 basketball schedule. 

Honorable mention number three goes to Governor Goodhair, AKA Rick Perry (R-TX )  who parted his lips on Tony Perkins waste of radio airtime to say God would judge the Boy Scouts for their decision to lift the 22 year ban on gay scouts.

Rick's been in our governor's chair in Texas for too damned long.  Time for Governor Goodhair to go.

This week's winner after many nominations is FOX Noise contributor misogynist Erick Erickson who said on Lou Dobbs' show that 'male superiority is a scientific fact'.   He then doubled down on his idiocy when the critical commentary started rolling in by telling feminists and liberals on his Red State blog 'not to get their panties in a wad'. 

Is November 2014 here yet?
Eric Erickson, Shut up Fool!