Sunday, May 05, 2013

Busy Media Week

With two radio interviews over the next three days.   Have one tomorrow with Holly Knight on her Prism Radio show starting at 5 PM CDT.   The topic will be 'Race in the TG Community' and I'll be on it along with Jaison Gardner, AKA to me as 'Nephew'.

He cohosts Strange Fruit on WFPL-FM, the public radio station in Louisville with Dr Kaila Story, AKA to me as 'Niece'. 

You can call 949-534-0761 to comment on what is sure to be a very interesting discussion..

On May 8 I've been invited to make my second appearance on the 'Can We Talk For REAL' show.   It's a Blog Talk Radio Show geared toward discussing the important issues of the LGBTQ Community including many issues that are hard to discuss within the community.   I'll be on the air along with my fellow Lone Star state Trans 100 honoree Carter Brown, the Executive Director of Black Transmen, Inc to have a chat with the Can We Talk For Real radio team of Ina, Michelle and Terri Boi.

Carter and I will be talking about recent developments in the trans community and you can join in for that lively discussion by calling 347-215-8985.

And that's not including my ongoing complaints about the jacked up Cleveland Plain Dealer report over the disrespectful reporting in the Cemia Acoff murder.

TransGriot Update: Was just advised by Holly she wants to reschedule the show for May 13