Wednesday, May 29, 2013

METRORail North Line Test Train Run Begins

Getting another step closer to service starting on the METRORail Red Line North extension later this year.

Construction on this 5.3 mile extension to the existing Red Line line is ahead of schedule, more than 80% complete.and the stations are well underway despite the local congressional conservafools attempts to frack with its funding.  

Since the line isn't powered up yet, METRORail towed a test car at 3-5 mph along the track from the Northline Transit Center station to the UH Downtown one escorted by METRO police.  They were to test train clearance, making sure there are no bends or bumps on the tracks and if they ran into that situation, the train was stopped so the location of the problem could be recorded and photographed.

Crews were on board the train monitoring its progress to ensure the operational train functions (tracks, poles, underground and overhead wiring) are in order before electrical testing and operational train speed tests begin this summer.

If it passes all those tests, H-town will get an early Christmas present and see the North Line open for service in December.   Now if they could get cracking on the Southeast and East End lines and expeditiously finish those up, I'll be a happy transit camper.