But instead the Black transwoman is doing 41 months for defending herself while Flaherty, the white woman who instigated it is only doing 180 days.
The 'just-us' system strikes again.
But on the positive side, CeCe is celebrating her 25th birthday on May 26. If you want to send her a letter or card and show her some love, here's the address and the guidelines to do so.
Now let's move on from celebrating CeCe's birthday to celebrating what fool, fools or group of fools will win our coveted Shut Up Fool Award this week.
Honorable mention number one is Zoe Saldana for some jacked up comments including a recent one in which she said there are no people of color. So sayeth the Black Latina who makes her money playing Black and Latina characters on the silver screen Girlfriend's confused behind better take a good look in the mirror and as Evette Dionne said in her Clutch Magazine article, get thee to a Critical Race Theory Class ASAP.
Honorable mention number two is Linda Harvey, who proclaimed that gays deserved to be fired for 'displaying their lifestyles to everyone'. How about you being fired for saying something that stupid on the public airwaves?.
Honorable mention number three is a tie. It's the post-Oklahoma tornado tag team of Westboro Baptist Church who blamed it on Jason Collins coming out, Alex Jones for pimping that ridiculous lie that the Oklahoma tornado was the result of a weather weapon the government (AKA the Obama administration) was working on and Oklahoma US senator Tom Coburn (R) who is holding up tornado disaster aid for his state by insisting it be offset with cuts elsewhere in the budget.
Hey, I wish I was making this stuff up. But this is the stuff you vote for every time you select someone with an (R) behind their name at election time.
Honorable mention number four is Sen. Ted Cruz (Teabagger-TX) and contender for Shut Up Fool of the Year who 'doesn't trust the Republican Party' he's a member of. The GOP doesn't trust you either and neither does much of the state of Texas.
Honorable mention number five is Archbishop Michael Sheehan of Albuquerque, NM. who had the cojones in his address to St Piux X graduates to discuss discrimination, invoke Jackie Robinson's name in it while being a trans oppressor. Were you taking a take a stand for what is right.and Christian values by discriminating against Damian? I don't think so, an neither do the over 27,000 people who signed a petition so that Damian could be at the graduation he worked so hard to make happen in a black gown..
And he's not only not apologizing for saying this fracked up ish, he's doubling down on it.
“I say the things that I say because I’m a Christian, not because I hate anybody, but because I have religious values that matter to me,” Jackson told reporters at a campaign stop in Fredericksburg. “Attacking me because I hold to those principles is attacking every church-going person, every family that’s living a traditional family life, everybody who believes that we all deserve the right to live. So I don’t have anything to rephrase or apologize for. I would just say people should not paint me as one-dimensional.”
Too late, you've already done that for yourself.
EW Jackson, shut up fool!
And yeah, you're getting the Saturday Sellout treatment tomorrow.
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