In the most populous nation on the African continent, the Nigerian House of Representatives today passed the unjust 'Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill' that criminalizes being gay or lesbian in the country, bans gay marriage in a church or mosque and outlaws any groups actively supporting gay rights. It was already approved by the Nigerian Senate in November 2011 and is now on its way to Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan for his signature.
As of yet President Jonathan hasn't indicated whether he will sign the unjust bill or not.
Save your breath if you're thinking that Western powers can put pressure on the 'Giant of Africa' by threatening to cut off financial aid. Nigeria pumps 2 million barrels of oil per day and the United States is one of their major customers. The last time I checked the price is hovering around the $90-$100 per barrel range.
Gay sex has been banned in Nigeria since the British colonial rule days and our gay and lesbian cousins there face open discrimination and abuse in a country divided by Christians and Muslims. They may fight each other, but the two things they universally agree on are soccer and uniform opposition to homosexuality.

Chidi Odinkalu, the chairman of Nigeria’s National Human Rights Commission, said he only learned about the House’s vote late Thursday night and said the bill likely would be challenged in court.
Because right now, that's their only option if President Jonathan decides to sign this un-African and unjust bill
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