It's time to call out the fool, fools or group of fools that exhibit mind numbing stupidity, immense levels of ignorance, horrific levels of hubris, and off the chain levels of arrogance.
Yep, it's time for the post-Mr T birthday edition of this week's Shut Up Fool Awards.
Honorable mention number one is a joint one for the entire GOP clown car, er' 2016 GOP presidential candidate field. Just pick a way too numerous moment this week in which they all said something incredibly stupid.
Honorable mention number two is Maine Gov Paul LePage (R) in the latest GOP War on the Poor move, wants to kick convicted felons off of TANF and SNAP even if they have kids and have turned their lives around.
And y'all wanna know why I hate these evil Teapublicans
Honorable mention number three is Rep Louie Gohmert (R-TX) m who actually parted his lips (surprise surprise) to say that Dubya would have rethought the Iraq War if he'd known that President Obama would have followed him into office.
Still trying to blame the Black Democratic POTUS for the white GOP POTUS' screw ups.
Honorable mention number four is Rep David Brat (R-VA) who is a living example of the be careful what you wish for in political circles. Brat replaced Eric Cantor, and is far worse than the guy he replaced. He recently said that DREAMers in the military will lead to the 'decline of Western Civilization'.
Yo David, your white sheet is showing.
Honorable mention number five also goes to someone else whose white sheet was showing in
Honorable mention number six is Peter Brimelow, who forgot the Civil War ended 150 years and said a white
Dude you have an entire political party and two political movements in conservatism and libertarianism that seek to do precisely that.
And news flash, y'all lost the War To Preserve Slavery, get over it.
Michelle slimed trans women calling us predators on behalf of the right wing efforts to kill trans inclusive human rights laws while basking in the hypocritical knowledge that the real sexual predator was her own son, and she helped keep it quiet.
19 Molestations and Counting needs to be cancelled
I takes some serious cojones for you to project your own reprehensible molestation behavior on someone else for your own personal and political gain.
It's even more reprehensible when some of the victims of it are your own sisters and mommy and daddy cover it up.
Josh and Michelle Duggar, shut up fools!.
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