Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Dee Dee's Gofundme Housing Campaign

Dee Dee Watters has been one of our community's hardworking and selfless activists. 

She has done Christmas toy drives, condom dispensing at local TBLG clubs, been the lead organizer of our Houston Black TDOR event, organized  trans themed health and wellness fair last year and even been there for folks when they have needed a ride somewhere, myself included.

Many times she has pulled money out of her own purse to make those events happen.

She was also one of the people standing by my side as we went to Houston City Hall starting with the first city council meeting in January 2014 to battle for the ultimately successful passage of HERO.

On Sunday, after coming back from an empowering BTAC 2015 conference in Dallas, she was told to vacate the home where she was staying a mere 15 minutes after completing the 4 hour drive down I-45 form the conference hotel.

Dee Dee has helped countless people, now it's time for us to stand up and help her raise the money so she can get a place of her own.     This is the link to the Gofundme campaign that has been set up to help her get the money she needs to get her own place. 

Any amount that gets us to the targeted amount is helpful and deeply appreciated.

One of the most basic needs for any human being is to have a place to call their own.  So please help one of our community sheroes in making that happen.