Sunday, May 03, 2015

BTAC 2015-Last Day

This is the saddest day of the Black Trans Advocacy Conference for me, the last one.

After spending several days up on the northern end of I-45, seeing old friends, making new ones and building community, it's time for me to go back to Houston and my life there.

But before I do that, I get to say goodbye to my trans brothers and trans sisters, their spouses, our allies and my BTAC family.

In addition to the closing ceremony that officially ends the convention, we'll have the traditional farewell brunch at Blue Mesa.

After that delicious community building exercise, Moni hits the DART Rail Red Line to catch her Megabus back to Houston and commence another 366 day wait for the fifth edition of the Black Trans Advocacy Conference.

And y'all know to check my TransGriot pages for the dates of the 2016 edition of the Black Trans Advocacy Conference.