Friday, May 08, 2015

BTAC 2016 Save The Date

Didn't take long to find out the dates for the Black Trans Advocacy Conference in 2016,

While the location of the fifth annual edition of this conference is yet to be determined along with the host hotel, we do know the dates.

The fifth annual edition of the Black Trans Advocacy Conference will take place in a city to be determined from April 25-May 1.

As of yet we don't know if it will be in Dallas or back at the Hilton Doubletree Campbell Centre, but we do know we sold out the hotel, drew over 200 people to attend it, and I was told by the hotel management and staff while I was there they want us back.

For those of you who missed this year's event, you now know when it's happening in 2016, so start planning now so you can be there for an amazing conference.