Bull feces. As a matter of fact while I'm on the subject of marriage, stop messing with trans people's ability to get married.
Because you haters are on increasingly shaky legal ground in terms of keeping DOMA and those unconstitutional anti-gay marriage amendments in place as long as possible.
We know you want to continue that foaming at the mouth hatred of the rainbow community going to keep your conservahate 'family' orgs coffers filled with cash from your

We also have cis people deliberately misgendering trans people in a non same gender marriage to attack our ability to get married for their fiscal or political gain at our expense.
Seems to me by this latest sterling example that you straight folks are doing a bang up job by yourselves of destroying the sanctity of marriage without any assistance from us.
Let us rainbow community people have the opportunity to get in on the fun of getting married and divorced for 72 days or less or show y'all how to do it right and get married until death do us part.
And it's gleefully delicious to the TBLG community that Kim Kardashian just became the rainbow community poster girl who is helping our community point that glaring hypocrisy out.
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