Monday, November 14, 2011

Moni's On 'Queer Voices' Tonight

I'll be headed to the KPFT-FM studios for the first time since 2001 later tonight to be interviewed on the Queer Voices radio show. 

Queer Voices is a weekly radio program heard on Monday nights from 9-11 PM Central time.   As you probably guessed by the name, it's dedicated to broadcasting news, concerns and events as related to Houston's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) community.   The goal of Queer Voices according to their webpage is to provide up to date information on the community's concerns that is currently not available from other local media outlets. .

KPFT-FM 90.1 is our Pacifica radio affiliate here in H-town and I had more than a few enjoyable moments when I was one of the rotating co-hosts from 1999-2001 on After Hours with Jimmy Carper. 

I'm scheduled on this Queer Voices broadcast at 10 PM Central time.  If you're busy or don't live in the Houston area pr close enough  to the KPFT broadcast tower to listen to it on your FM dial, you can click on the LISTEN LIVE link on their webpage or check out the archived podcast.

I'm definitely looking forward to it and hope y'all can tune in.