Tuesday, November 22, 2011

FLOTUS Gets Booed At NASCAR Race And Attacked By Rush-Cue Silence From Feminist Blogosphere About It

First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden have been promoting support for veterans families as one of their policy causes.  You would think that has some support in the uber patriotic, military loving, testosterone fueled world of NASCAR racing, right?

Um no.  It was more the FLOTUS race that played into this than the auto racing and the support of veterans as she and Dr Biden were booed.  

Then Rush Limbaugh, never one to miss a chance to attack the First Lady piled on by calling the FLOTUS 'uppity'  

And what was the feminist blogosphere response to the latest dissing of the FLOTUS?

Once again it was Black women to defend the first lady while the feminist blogosphere stayed silent.