Thursday, November 17, 2011

RIP Minister Lois Bates

Received word that another one of our transpeople has passed on.   Minister Lois Bates of Chicago passed away this morning in an area hospital.

As soon as I find out about the homegoing service arrangements I will post them on the blog for people who wish to pay their last respects to her.

I had the pleasure of trading e-mails and chatting with her at various times back in the 2K's but we'd unfortunately never had the opportunity to formally meet despite the fact I was only five hours from her during my time as a Da Ville resident..  

There is a story about her on The Body's website that you may wish to peruse in terms of getting to know a little about this remarkable lady who will be missed by all who knew her.

Another one of the people who helped build our African-American trans community has been called home.

Rest in peace, Minister Lois Bates.  .  

TransGriot Note:  Thanks Helena Bushong for e-mailing me another story about Lois.   It's a huge loss for the Chicago community and all of us.