Thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Alex it's going to be a soggy one. It's rained for the last two days, and while that's a bummer, the good news is the temperatures here in H-town have been in the 70's for the last few days.
Speaking of celebrations, lets move on to determine who gets this week's Shut Up Fool Award.
The usual suspects were in the running, Beck, O'Reilly and Palin. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), Fox News, Matt Drudge, and Gov. Jan Brewer (R-AZ)

They trashed Justice Thurgood Marshall, apologized to a foreign corporation (BP) whose Exxon Valdez sized oil spill has jacked up the Gulf and the livelihoods of thousands of people along the Gulf coast, cut off unemployment benefits in the middle of a recession. and fought Wall Street reform.
Yep, profits over people. It's the GOP way.
And they think the reality based American public is going to give them another chance to frack up the country in the November midterm elections?
Republican Party, shut up fools!
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