The ironic thing was I didn't realize how much of a storm it created until I got that threatening e-mail from the webmaster of the blog.
All I did was simply call them out for disrespecting Sonia Williams, and it became a major Twitter event.
What happened was I slammed the site for putting up a disrespectful thread straight up calling Ms. Williams a transvestite. The comment threads were even worse repositories of transphobia and racism characterizations of the beauty of Black women.

I check my e-mail a few hours later to see the nastygram from The Pophangover webmaster.
I'm on Twitter, but I didn't check it for several hours until most of the controversy had simmered down.
But, once again, thanks for demonstrating the power of online activism, even to the TransGriot.
It's nice to know that when I take on peeps who have stepped beyond the valley of civic decency, many of you are watching my electronic back.
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