Monday, October 24, 2016

Time To Early Vote Texas!

Image result for Texas voting

In a few hours across the Lone Star State early voting kicks off and runs until November 4.

After three contentious presidential debates and debates in other down ballot races, it's time to handle our civic duty in an election that has Texas for the first time since 1976 up for grabs as a presidential battleground state.  

It's also the first one in a while that the odious Texas voter suppression law isn't in effect

You do not need a Texas ID to vote.  You do need to be registered and have the blue Texas voter registration card when you go to the polls.

And yeah Dan Patrick, I'm unapologetically Black, trans, I vote, and I'm looking to fire everyone with an (R.) behind their name on the ballot in 2016 and beyond.

Can't wait to fire yours and Ken Paxton's trans oppressive behinds from office in 2018.

I've pretty much made up my mind a long time ago who I support in this election, so I'm not waiting until November 8   If you haven't made up your mind ,for you in Harris County, here's the list of candidates the Houston GLBT Caucus endorsed.    

The Houston Chronicle and other papers across the state will probably be posting their candidate endorsements tomorrow as well.

I also want to urge you and cannot stress enough the importance of voting the ENTIRE ballot from POTUS to dog catcher because #DownBallotRacesMatter.  

It is critical to the advancement and defense of our human rights to have candidates who are cognizant of our TBLGQ community issues in our federal and state courthouses, on city council, in the county commissioners courthouse, in the state legislature, on the school board, and at every level of government.

They want and need your votes as well

Here are the early voting times in Harris County.   Check your county clerk website for the times in your Texas neck of the woods.

Here are the early voting times in Harris County, (the city of Houston's county for you non Texans)

Early voting will be in various locations across the county, and have different times for different periods of it.   From October 24-28, the early voting polling centers will be open from 8 AM-6 PM.

On Souls To The Polls Weekend, the early voting locations on Saturday October 29 will be open from 7 AM-7 PM, and on Sunday, October 30 from 1-6 PM

From October 31-November 4, the polls will be open from 7 AM-7 PM.

Once again, please handle your electoral business.  The stakes are too high for you to stay at home and pout because you didn't get the perfect candidate.