Thursday, October 20, 2016

It's Spirit Day 2016!

Today is Spirit Day,    It's the day created by Canadian teen Brittany McMillan to wear purple in support of our TBLGQ youth who are being bullied in school settings

WE wear purple to denote our support for our BTLGQ younglings on this day, but the best way to support them will be to kick out all legislators like Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton and Pat McCrory who are demonizing our kids for their selfish political gain

Translation, vote the GOP legislative bullies out of office on November 8 or sooner if your state has early voting.

That's the first  and most important action step step to creating a world in which LGBTQ youth are respected, protected, and it is made clear to friend, foe and frenemy that their human rights are not to be messed with.