Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Leaving On A Jet Plane -To Boston

Image result for Boston Logan Southwest
Once again the Air Marshal is sitting at Hobby International Airport waiting to board a Southwest 737 headed to Boston.   This one is a nonstop going up there, but coming back I will be running through Dallas Love Field before I finally get back home..

May need to roll through the Whataburger in that terminal on the return trip if I have enough time to do so.  What's even cooler is I'm leaving out of the new international wing of Hobby gates on Gate 1

As mentioned in an earlier post, I'm headed there to receive the Robert Coles Call of Service Award from the Harvard based Phillips Brooks House Association on the 28th.

May also if I have time try to knock out another visit off my Presidential library bucket list and go to the JFK Presidential Library and Museum there.

Well, here;s hoping this plane leaves on schedule so I can get there a little after noon local time, get to the hotel and get settled.