Sunday, November 06, 2011

TDOR 2011 Update 2

Been a while since I've done a TDOR update post and needed to do one since we're getting closer to November 20th.  

As the calendar and the clock inexorably ticks toward the 13th anniversary observance of the International Transgender Day of Remembrance, the list of events taking place around the world is growing longer.  

Thankfully the list of names of the people we are memorializing has not and I pray it stays that way.

Just a reminder if you're having or in the final planning stages of a TDOR event, please e-mail the information for it to Ethan St. Pierre at and get that to him so that he can include it on the TDOR Events list.  You can also follow the updates on Twitter at:: 

And yeah, make sure these events are as diverse as possible.   Most of the people we are memorializing after all are POC's.  It's one of the times our community gets media coverage and it would be nice if media people, the folks reading the stories and watching broadcasts of TDOR memorials see the diversity of the rainbow community .

The local TDOR here in Houston will be held at the University of Houston's Farish Hall on Saturday November 19 in Farish Hall's KIVA Room from 7:00-9:30 PM .