Thursday, November 03, 2011

Boom! Dan Savage Gets Glitterbombed

There has been no love lost between Dan Savage and anyone in the rainbow community who is not a white gay male, TransGriot included.

He is loved by them, but the rest of us see Savage as racist, sexist, transphobic, biphobic, abelist, misogynistic, fill in the blank.

Well, I could keep waxing poetic about Savage's many sins, but what shocked many of his fans was when he became the first person within the rainbow community to get glitterbombed Tuesday.

While onstage at the University of Oregon on November 1 a group calling themselves the 'Dan Savage Welcoming Committee' gave him a nice sparkly welcome to campus.
On November 1st, 2011, an operative of the Dan Savage Welcoming Committee (DSWM) glitterbombed Dan while he was giving a Q&A at the University of Nike's Ford Alumni Center in Eugene, Oregon. During this session, the operative leapt to the stage and poured glitter over Dan's head as they shouted, "Dan Savage is a transphobe!" As they turned tail, they added, "Glitterbomb courtesy of the Dan Savage Welcoming Committee," and just before they got out the door, "He's a racist and misogynist and a rape-apologist, too!" The operative then fled the scene.
I haven't liked Dan Savage ever since he unleashed that racist tirade in the wake of the 2008 Prop 8 referendum loss in California blaming African American voters.  He never apologized to the Black community inside and outside LGBT circles for his throughly debunked '70% of African Americans approved Prop 8' meme he gave birth to that still surfaces at times in the testy discourse between Black and white GLBT people.

It is so pervasive it has yet to be taken out of the Wikipedia article on African-Americans despite it being repeatedly crushed since 2009 under a mountain of statistics and articles that pegged the actual African American support at 58%

But back to Savage. In the meantime Dan's Vanillacentric Fan Club was scratching their collective heads trying to figure out why their hero is so hated by the rest of the rainbow community despite the fact he created the 'It Gets Better' campaign.  

Yep, he had his broken clock moment creating 'It Gets Better' in the wake of the unacceptable spike in TBLG suicides and says he's trying to evolve already on his fill in the blank 'ism' failures, but the glee (pun intended) in the chocolate trans, bi and SGL community and the rest of the rainbow Net over this latest glitterbombing was off the charts.

And he needs to look in the mirror and ask himself why.