Monday, June 06, 2016

RIP Amos Beede

One of the things we don't talk about often enough in Trans World is that trans men also are assaulted and attacked for being themselves, and from time to time they are fatal assaults.

An example of this happened May 22, in which 38 year old trans man Amos Beede, who wasn't homeless, but was staying with friends over the weekend in a homeless encampment in Burlington, VT because the local bus wasn't running.  Beede was viciously assaulted and kicked by four homeless people and suffered blunt force trauma to his brain, facial injuries and several broken ribs in what has been described as a 'possible bias incident'..  

He was taken to the University of Vermont Medical Center where Beede died seven days later as the four suspects in the case immediately fled Vermont in a Chevy Malibu and headed to California    They were briefly detained in Roswell, NM when 21 year old Erik Averill, was arrested and held on accusations of assaulting his intimate partner, 22 year old Myia Barber.

Once Averill was released, the four continued their journey to California, where they were arrested Thursday night at Dog Beach, a San Diego homeless encampment by San Diego PD officers after a nationwide manhunt..

Averill and Barber, 25 year old Alison Gee, and 21 year old Jordan Paul were all arrested and charged with second degree murder and are facing extradition back to Vermont to face the legal music there.

Rest in power and peace Amos.   We will be tracking this case to see if you receive justice.